Recently I visited the UK’s biggest fitness trade show at the NEC, and while there I heard that the two biggest growth areas in fitness are those fighting obesity and the over fifties (sounds familiar??!).
So if those are the biggest growth areas, why is it when I go to a coffee shop to get my black Americano (17 cals) I still observe obese people ordering unhealthy drinks, with extra cream and marshmallows on top and a side order of the sugary demons to go? Do they not read or listen to what’s happening in society? The UK is now third in the European Obesity League!
I love the fact that there’s huge growth in the over fifty market – you only have to look at our classes to see that! We even have a group of half marathoners where you have to be over sixty to join. Apologies to all you young ones who come to class …. One day you’ll be old enough to join!
Anyway, watch this space regarding what I have in mind for the 50+ posse, not forgetting “Cliff’s” young ones, of course!